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Doshin Hiroki
The funder of international Go-Do Federation

Mr. Hirokifs ancestor was a Samurai in Saga prefecture famous for the gHagakureh book describing the Samurai norm. He became interested in Budo and started his own training at the age of 15. At 17, he started practicing Shorinji-Kempo, at 19, He started Karate and received a black belt. After Karate, he learned other Japanese martial arts such as Kempo,Jyujitsu, Iai-do and Kenjitsu. Then he learned non-Japanese martial arts such as Chinese-Boxing, Thai Boxing and Brazilian Jujitsu. In 1998, Mr. Hiroki met living legend of Okinawa Kobudo (Okinawan martial arts) and this event made Mr. Hiroki focus on different aspect of Budo. In 1999, he was asked to teach children self defense techniques as a volunteer. In 2000, he developed new martial arts Budo based on his past experience. In 2001, he opened martial arts gym in Osaka city. In 2002, he was awarded best performer at demonstration division at the Japan International Budo federation competition. In 2003, European seminar was held at Genova, Swiss and trained police and military people. In 2004, he was chosen as one of the top 20 modern martial artists in the Japanese book called gSaikyou Kakutougi Zukan Shindenh. In 2007, he received the letter of appreciation from the police department for contributing to public safety after catching a bugler. At the same time, he began to re-construct his technique to help children who are mentally challenged while in manic mode. In 2008, he named his re-constructed technique Go-Do which means self and other protection. In 2009, International Go-Do Federation was founded. In 2010, he began to teach Go-Do in day care service house. Go-Do is still moving on.
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